Privacy policy

Privacy policy

Ecox S.R.L. (hereinafter, "Ecox S.R.L.") provides users of the Ecox Shop website (hereinafter, the "Site", which can be visited at with the following information, in compliance with article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (or General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter "G.D.P.R.") and subsequent national adaptation legislation (hereinafter, together with the G.D.P.R., referred to as the "Applicable Privacy Legislation"). During the consultation of the Site, information relating to users is collected, which constitutes personal data within the meaning of the Applicable Privacy Law.

Data controller

The owner of the processing of personal data is Ecox S.R.L., based in Italy: registered office in Via Trento, 13/H in Sondrio (SO), operating offices in Via Stelvio, 24 in Poggiridenti (SO) and in Via della Repubblica, 32 in Tirano (SO), e-mail and tel. +39 0342 393100.

Types of data processed

The data that are processed by Ecox S.R.L. when the user uses the Site are specified below. The user assumes responsibility for any personal data of third parties entered or published on the Site, and guarantees that he/she has the right to communicate or disseminate such data - thus releasing Ecox S.R.L. from any responsibility towards such third parties.

Personal data automatically acquired when visiting the Site

  • Navigation data. Ecox S.R.L. automatically collects data about the device (PC, tablet, mobile phone or other mobile device) and connection used by the user, including, for example, the IP address, date and time of access, hardware and software information, event information about the device, unique identifiers, crash data.
  • Data on the use of the Site. Ecox S.R.L. collects information about the ways in which you have used the Site, including, for example, the pages of the Site or other content you have viewed, the searches you have conducted, the third-party applications on the Site that you use, and the links to other sites and applications that you have clicked on.

Personal data provided directly by the user

a) Data required for creating an account
  • Data provided for the creation of an account. If the user, via the icon or during checkout, decides to register on the site, Ecox S.R.L. collects his name, surname, e-mail address.
This information is necessary to enable the user to create an account with Ecox S.R.L.. If the user does not wish to provide this information, he/she will not be able to create his/her reserved area. b) Optional data
  • Data provided by e-mail enquiries. If the user, in order to request information, explicitly and voluntarily sends electronic mail to the Ecox S.R.L. addresses indicated on the site, or uses the form available in the "Contacts" section of the site, Ecox S.R.L. acquires the user's name, surname and e-mail address.

Purpose of processing

Contribute to the operation of the site; provide the user with the services that Ecox S.R.L. provides through the site; protect the user's vital interests; comply with current legislation or pursue other requirements of public interest User data are in fact processed:
  • to operate, measure, improve and maintain the Site and the services rendered through it;
  • to prevent, detect and mitigate security breaches and potentially prohibited or illegal activities.
Pursue the legitimate interests of Ecox S.R.L. in such a way that these interests do not override the user's fundamental rights and freedoms User data are in fact processed:
  • to identify and solve problems you encounter when using the Site (e.g. blocked or non-functioning pages).
These processing operations protect Ecox S.R.L.'s interest in keeping the Site functional and efficient. Moreover, they do not infringe the user's fundamental rights and freedoms, as they are foreseeable and widespread in any site that allows the creation of accounts. Moreover, such processing also benefits the user himself, allowing the Site to continue functioning.

Social button

The Site uses several links, which allow users to visit Ecox Shop's Facebook and Instagram profiles (see Site footer). These links - which appear as icons of the relevant social networks - do not involve the installation of third-party cookies.

Treatment modes

The user's personal data is processed using computer or telematic instruments, exclusively for the purposes for which it was collected (see above), and stored for a specific period of time in accordance with the criteria indicated in this privacy policy (see below). Personal data may be known and processed by Ecox S.R.L. personnel, who have been duly instructed as to the precautions to be taken in accordance with the applicable Privacy Law.

Duration of treatment

The specific retention times of the user's personal data are documented in Ecox S.R.L.'s register of processing activities (implemented pursuant to article 30 of the G.D.P.R.). The user's personal data is retained (in accordance with the criteria set out in recital 39 and article 5, paragraph 1, letter e) of the G.D.P.R.) for the period necessary to ensure that the Site functions, and that Ecox S.R.L. provides users with the services provided through the Site. This period, in any case, may not exceed 10 years from collection. The user's personal data may be retained for longer periods than those just seen only in the event that this is necessary for Ecox S.R.L. to fulfil its legal obligations or to protect a right in a court of law. Upon expiry of these retention periods, the user's data will either be deleted or permanently anonymised.

Data Communication

Ecox S.R.L. may communicate the personal data processed to the subjects and for the purposes indicated below only.

Combating unlawful acts and security breaches

  • Ecox S.R.L. may disclose users' personal data to third parties who are engaged in preventing, detecting and mitigating potentially unlawful acts and security breaches.

Law Enforcement, Legal Proceedings and Modalities Authorised by Italian Law

  • Ecox S.R.L. may communicate users' personal data to Judicial Authorities, Public Authorities or authorised third parties, in cases where the law provides for this. As well as, in general, in cases where it is necessary to fulfil legal obligations or verified requests relating to a criminal investigation or an alleged illegal activity, or to respond to claims by others regarding the rights, property or safety of Ecox S.R.L., its employees or users.

Rights of data subjects

In the sole cases and with all the limits provided for in arts. 15-22 G.D.P.R., at any time, free of charge and without special charges and formalities, the user is entitled to
  • obtain confirmation that Ecox S.R.L. processes your personal data;
  • access to your personal data, and to know their origin, the purposes and purposes of processing, the storage period and information concerning third parties to whom the personal data are disclosed;
  • revoke his consent at any time if this constitutes the basis for the processing;
  • update or rectify your personal data collected by Ecox S.R.L., so that it is always exact and accurate;
  • exercise the so-called right to be forgotten, i.e. to have your personal data collected by Ecox S.R.L. deleted from the databases and/or archives, including backup archives, of Ecox S.R.L.;
  • limit Ecox S.R.L.'s processing of your personal data;
  • oppose processing, for those personal data processed to pursue public interest requirements or legitimate interests of Ecox S.R.L.;
  • to be notified, within a reasonable timeframe, of any rectification, cancellation or restriction of processing ordered by Ecox S.R.L., as well as of any revocation of such measures and the reasons for such revocation.
The user may exercise these rights by making a written request addressed without formality to Ecox S.R.L., by sending an e-mail to Upon receipt of the aforementioned e-mail, Ecox S.R.L. will comply with the request within one month of receiving it. This deadline may be extended by two months - with prior notice to the user - taking into account the complexity and number of requests. Ecox S.R.L. reminds the user that, should the response to his or her request not be satisfactory in his or her opinion, he or she may turn to and lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority ( in the manner provided for by the applicable Privacy Policy.

Changes to the privacy policy

Ecox S.R.L. reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time, notifying users of such changes on this page of the site. The user is therefore requested to consult this page frequently, taking as reference the date of last modification indicated at the bottom. Unless otherwise specified, in the event of a change, the previous privacy policy will continue to apply to personal data collected up to that time. Last updated: May 2023
